
Personal Profile

I grew up in Richmond, B.C. where I attended R.M. Grauer Elementary for most of my elementary school years. I attended J.N. Burnett Junior High school through grade 10 and went on to graduate from Richmond Senior Secondary High School. After graduating, I went to Edmonton Alberta where I completed a two year program at North American Bible College. I am married to Tom Kluska and have one son, Darius. Presently Tom, Darius and I are seeking out a church in Ladner to attend regularly. The highlights in my life are spending time with my family, visiting Sechelt and fishing.


I graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor in General Studies. While working on completing my teacher’s certificate, I began my time at DCS as a teacher’s assistant. After finishing my teacher qualifications, I came back to DCS to work part time as a grade 3 teacher and as an aid. 20+ years later, I have taught every grade from grade 3-8.


The one thing that I would want students to take with them, should they forget everything else, is the desire to be a life long follower of Jesus Christ. I can help them develop and grow in their understanding of a great and loving God by instilling in them, through example and in my teachings, the Truth..